Media Hacking

The digital hijack

1.5 mio people hijacked from search engines over a period of 4 months. [30 mio. people online 1996! We reached 5% of the internet population!!], immediately we ran into troubles with the US-secret service, the CIA, my appartement in Vienna was house-searched by the austrian secret service. The Digital Hijack was an act of deliberate sabotage of one of the most important tools for the common Internet user: the search engine. With this 1996 action, we demonstrated the "space" behind the popular interfaces of the World Wide Web.

Influcenced by the porn-industry and their agenda-setting - on the edge marketing-strategies.


the digital hijack by etoy

the digital hijack poster



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Digital Actionism - Media Hacking, lizvlx, Hans Bernhard, UBERMORGEN.COM