UBERMORGEN.COM is attracted by the surface of Google, Amazon and eBay, the three historical e-giants brilliantly surviving the dotcom boom and the legendary crash at the end of that era. Back then and still today the three kings form the powerful spearhead of e-commerce (EKMRZ). By creating the third piece – the Sound of eBay – we wrap up the trilogy we have started in 2005 with the killer concept GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself and carried forward in 2006 with the dark Amazon Noir - The Big Book Crime.




GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself *

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on a network of hidden Websites. With this money we automatically buy Google shares. We buy Google via their own advertisment! Google eats itself - but in the end "we" own it! By establishing this autocannibalistic model we deconstruct the new global advertisment mechanisms by rendering them into a surreal click-based economic model.



Amazon Noir - The Big Book Crime *

The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: Cirio, Lizvlx, Ludovico, Bernhard) stole copyrighted books from Amazon by using sophisticated robot-perversion technology coded by supervillain Paolo Cirio. A subliminal media fight and a covert legal dispute escalated into an online showdown withthe heist of over 3000 books at the center of the story. Lizvlx from UBERMORGEN.COM had daily shoot outs with the global mass media,Cirio continuousely pushed the boundaries of copyright (books are just pixels on a screen or just ink on paper), Ludovico and Bernhard resisted kickback-bribes from powerful Amazon.com until they finally gave in and sold the technology for an undisclosed sum to Amazon. Betrayal, blasphemy and pessimism finally split the gang of bad guys. The good guys (Amazon.com) won the showdown and drove off into the blistering sun with the beautiful femme fatale, the seductive and erotic massmedia.



The Sound of eBay

We generate unique songs by using eBay user-data. You simply enter any eBay username (your own or someone else's) and add your email address so we can notify you as soon as the song is ready for downloading. Then click „generate“ and our robots sprawl out into the net to collect data. Then the robots bring back the data to our sc3 supercollider soundgeneration-engine. Finally, the complex software-machine starts generating a score-file which is then transformed into your unique but uniform song and presented in teletext porn style! We sell out your human needs digitally... The sound is cool, the machine produces masses of songs and replicates millions of times throughout the networks – flooding the net, a bubbling sea of artifical songs visualized in CONTEMPORARY teletext – a continental drift within a macromusic universal urban scape.






* in collaboration with Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio