Media Hacking

Amazon Noir - The Big Book Crime

EKMRZ-Trilogy, 2nd project (2006-07)

THE PLOT: The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: Cirio, Lizvlx, Ludovico, Bernhard) stole copyrighted books from by using sophisticated robot-perversion-technology coded by supervillain Paolo Cirio. A massive media fight and a brutal legal fight escalated into an online showdown with the heist at the center of the story. Lizvlx from UBERMORGEN.COM had daily shoot outs with the global massmedia, Ludovico and Bernhard hardly resisted kickback-bribes from powerful and Cirio violently pushed the boundary of copyright (just pixels on a screen - just ink on paper). Betrayal, blasphemy and pessimism splitted the gang of bad guys. In the end the good guys ( won and drove off into the blistering sun with the beautiful and seductive femme fatale (the massmedia).

Amazon Noir - physical Book Theft Basel. "Steal this Book" was stolen at the Opening of our exhibition in Switzerland...

Amazon Noir

Lizvlx & Hans Bernhard

Seal - Amazon Noir
EKMRZ-Trilogy, 2nd project



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Digital Actionism - Media Hacking, lizvlx, Hans Bernhard, UBERMORGEN.COM