Media Hacking

GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself

EKMRZ-Trilogy, 1st project (2005-08)

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on a series of hidden Websites. With this money we automatically buy Google shares. We buy Google via their own advertisment! So, Google eats itself - but in the end "we" own it! Now, by establishing this autocannibalistic model we deconstruct the new global advertisment mechanisms by rendering them into a surreal click-based economic model. After this whole process we hand over the common ownership of "our" Google Shares to the GTTP Ltd. [Google To The People Public Company] which distributes them back to the public. GTTP Ltd. currently owns 55 Google Class A Shares [valued between 230-330 USD each]. As predicted in a Village Voice article about GWEI, at this speed it will take around 23 Million years to buy all Google Shares... but "The greatest enemy of such a giant is not another giant. It's the parasite. If enough parasitites suck small amounts of money...". reality" is, Google is currently valued more than all Swiss Banks together (sic).

GWEI Diagram

GWEI "diagram" - Google Will Eat Itself
EKMRZ-Trilogy, 1st project (2005-08)


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Digital Actionism - Media Hacking, lizvlx, Hans Bernhard, UBERMORGEN.COM